From overseas experience, the service industry is the most important direction for economic transformation, However, with the deepening of economic growth and social division of labor, the division of labor in the service industry is gradually becoming more refined. We can roughly divide the service industry into three categories: the first category is to meet the needs of enterprises, which can be called productive service industry; the second category is lifestyle service industry, which mainly meets the needs of residents; and the third category is public service industry provided by the government. The productive service industry can be defined as the intermediary of an industry, which runs through the entire industrial chain of enterprises. It is accompanied by information service industries such as market research, venture capital, product design, etc. upstream, professional commercial service industries such as quality control, accounting, legal insurance, and human resources, and downstream industries such as advertising, logistics, and sales.
In addition to transitioning towards service development, another direction of China's economic transformation is towards high-end development. Currently, many sub industries are in a period of large-scale import substitution development. Therefore, the changes in the import and export of various industries reflect that China's industries are undergoing an upgrade from labor-intensive to capital intensive and then to technology intensive.
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